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  • 100% дизайн дизайнера EMMETT.
  • 100% ручная работа малайзийского мастера модной одежды высокого класса.
  • Доступен на заказ.
  • Изготовлен из полностью атласного шелка.  ткань цвета шампань.
  • Основное отделение подходит для элегантного внешнего вида и формальной функции.
  • Голливудская телеведущая «Танцы со звездами» Кристин Бертт носила этот эксклюзивный дизайн от EMMETT на церемонии вручения премии «Оскар».

Клатч с шампанским на церемонии вручения Оскара

2 099,00RMЦена
  • 1. Cancellation of clutch/bag order must be made within 24 hours after successful item checkout process / payment made by mailing to Refund will be successful within 3-7 working days. Cancellation of clutch/bag order is also subject to availability of shoes design that you have already select, such as "Limited Edition" clutch/bag.

    2. All successful product shipping cannot be returnable / changeable to EMMETT Clutch/Bag unless it caused by our fault of defect quality only. Note that we know to differentiate whether the shoes condition defect caused by our fault or by customer's fault.

    3. All successful checked item / payment made after 24 hours cannot be refunded to you as your shoes order is already submit to make by our expert clutch/bag maker team.

    4. If there's an issue about our product, please proceed your feedback / complaint through our email at, and we will fix the issue as a win-win situation.

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